The sensation of a foreign body in the skin of the foot, pain and burning can indicate the presence of a spinal cord in a person. A thorn on the leg is nothing more than a wart. Plantar warts most commonly appear on the areas of the foot that are subjected to the most stress when walking. Much less often this seal appears on the palms or fingers.
Externally, the tip on the leg hardly differs from the plantar wart. The seal can be slightly convex, which causes additional inconveniences for patients in the form of pain, discomfort, as well as problems with the choice of shoes.
However, getting rid of a thorn like a wart is impossible. Conventional cosmetic procedures in the form of sawing off or cutting off calloused skin do not bring the desired effect. Getting rid of a plantar wart can be very difficult. To solve this unpleasant problem, patients often have to visit a doctor.
Despite the peculiarity of the disease, the spine can also be removed using alternative methods of therapy. The main thing is to choose the most effective and safe treatment option for your health and consult a doctor first.
What is a spike on the leg: symptoms, causes and signs
The spike has a viral nature. This name was given to education due to the sensations that a person experiences when walking. Usually, people experience stinging sensations, similar to a thorn prick.

How is it formed?
The formation of a plantar wart begins with the appearance of a white lump on the sole of the foot, slightly protruding above the surface of the skin. Later, with development, the formation begins to resemble corns or horny corns.The size of the spine is usually 1-1. 5 cm.
At the base of the spine are not the usual accumulations of horny cells, but thread-like growths. These growths can penetrate deep into the tissue. So they affect the nerve fibers and cause pain in a person.
The spine can appear as a single formation or as a large cluster of warts. With the appearance of numerous spines, one, the largest, "mother" spine can be distinguished. All other "daughter" warts are much smaller and located nearby. Numerous plantar warts cause a person a lot of discomfort and are very difficult to treat.

There is only one reason for the appearance of warts on the foot - that ishuman papilloma virus.
Important: There is an opinion that parasites in the intestines can become the cause of thorns. In fact, this is a medically unfounded misconception.
The scheme of infection with a virus is quite simple. It is enough for a person to scratch the skin. After that, the virus enters the human body and penetrates the genes of skin cells. Then the cells are deformed and begin to resemble a tumor, turning into a wart.

Infection most commonly occurs in childhood. Children are usually infected with the virus in kindergartens, schools, on beaches or in public showers. Only the children whose immunity is weakened get sick.
The spine appears in childhood and disappears in adulthood. Since the immunity of an adult is stronger, warts appear very rarely.
The risk of transmission of the virus increases when the wearer's feet are injured. Scratches, blisters, cuts and abrasions are dangerous for people who are not infected with the virus. There are several factors that provoke the papillomavirus in the body:
- sweating of the soles of the feet;
- uncomfortable, tight shoes;
- rubber, non-breathable shoes;
- emphasize.
Symptoms and signs of the disease
Spike is an extremely unpleasant disease. The sensations that a plantar wart causes significantly affect a person's quality of life. This manifestation of the papillomavirus is one of the most difficult. The main symptom of a spinal cord is pain. It can accompany a person all the time until the wart is removed. The pain can be severe and is particularly common when walking or running.
The spine can also hurt due to its tear. Because there is a roll of tissue around the wart, undermining it very often causes severe, stabbing pain and even bleeding. It's not safe to damage a wart. If this has nevertheless happened, the wound must be treated with peroxide and closed with a breathable adhesive plaster. Until the wound has completely healed, it is worth taking care of the cleanliness of shoes and socks.
Another characteristic symptom of the spinal cord is discomfort when walking. This feeling is similar to the pressure in the tissue. Patients describe it as feeling like a stone in your shoe. This is the first symptom of thorns. But the pain is later associated with the development of the disease and the growth of the plantar wart.
Differences between thorns and corns
Distinguishing a thorn from a corn is very easy. You can do this after a hot bath or shower. Steamed skin at the site of formation becomes "hairy". There are one or more black dots in the middle part of the wart. From these black points, the suture process goes into the skin. Unlike a corn, a wart is constantly growing.

A corn is more uniform than a wart. Spike is heterogeneous, it resembles a cauliflower. There is a depression in the center, and the entire surface texture is covered with small depressions.
Important: A thorn, like any wart, is a benign formation on the human body. The risks of his rebirth are quite high. Tissue damage, stress and weakened immunity can trigger the process of spinal cord tissue malignancy. Therefore, patients need to see a doctor in a timely manner to combat the wart and its effective removal.
So the differences are:
- The corn has an even structure;
- Corn does not cause pain;
- It can be easily removed with a file and softening procedures;
- The skin of the callus is very thick and convex, on the wart it is uneven, with hollows and villi.
How to remove a spike on the leg? therapy methods
There are several ways to remove the tip. First of all, you should consult a doctor and seek medical help. Doctors offer several instrumental methods of removing the spine.
This method is very simple and not time consuming. Usually, patients only need one procedure, during which the doctor can remove several small warts at a time. Typically, an electrocoagulation session lasts only 1-1. 5 minutes. The time spent depends on the size of the warts and their total number. Local anesthesia is used to remove plantar warts.
Before the procedure, the doctor treats the skin with antiseptics. After that, the loop of the electrocoagulator is adjusted around the spine, causing the device to thermally process the tissue and cause the death of the wart. The temperature at which tissues are cauterized is 800°C. This temperature burns blood vessels, which helps protect a person from bleeding. After the session, a scab forms on the skin, which falls off when the tissues are fully healed.

Laser removal of plantar warts
Before starting the procedure, patients must be examined. This way you can understand how deep the wart is in the skin. Without such verification, removal may be ineffective. Doctors determine the depth of penetration into the tissue of the antennae of the spine and proceed to the procedure. Before starting the procedure, the doctor will inject an anesthetic under the wart. After the patient feels the painkiller starting to work, the doctor puts on glasses and continues the session.
While working with a laser, the doctor removes diseased tissue in layers while simultaneously cauterizing the vessels that supply the spine. Laser treatment is carried out until the root system of the wart is completely destroyed. After removing the spine with a laser, the patient is left with a small burn. This burn requires constant treatment with antiseptics. The wound itself must be covered with a dry gauze cloth and plaster. The length of the removal session depends on the number of spikes and their size.

In this procedure, the tip is removed with liquid nitrogen. When removing spines in this way, antispasmodics are almost never used, the procedure is painless. In some cases (with large spines, thin skin), painkillers are still used. The procedure is performed in two different ways - using a catheter or a cotton swab. The latter option is used much more often.
The doctor wipes the skin with antiseptics, dips a cotton swab in liquid nitrogen and touches the tip with it. Exposure to a wart should last about 5-30 seconds. The exposure time depends on the size of the wart. If the patient has a large and deep spine, prolonged exposure to nitrogen is required. In this case, nitrogen must penetrate all layers of the skin to the root of the wart, and therefore exposure to nitrogen can last 25-35 seconds. After freezing, the skin takes on a white-pink hue, indicating the death of skin cells.
In almost 100% of cases, a medium-sized blister appears in patients the next day after the procedure. Such a reaction of the skin to low temperatures is quite normal and indicates the effectiveness of the session. A clear or reddish liquid may collect in the blister. You should not be afraid of this, as this process indicates that certain layers of the skin have been affected during cryotherapy. The top of the bladder is usually the spine itself.
Spike on the leg: surgical treatment
In the event that no methods of removing the spine helped to get rid of the disease, patients are recommended to consult a doctor and surgically eliminate the formation. The method has many advantages:
- High probability of complete removal.
- Efficient in removing particularly deep spines.
- Minimal risk of recurrence.
Local anesthesia is also used during the procedure. During the session, the doctor removes all pathological tissues and sews up the wound. However, the procedure also has disadvantages:
- Scars remain after the session.
- The healing time is longer.
- deep incisions can still hurt a few days after the operation.
The choice of the method by which the spine is removed depends on the effect of past combat methods. Also, the doctor relies on the results of the diagnosis and general medical history.
Dealing with thorns: medicines
Medicines help to remove the spikes on the soles of the feet quite well. Today in the pharmacy you can find a huge number of drugs with necrotizing properties that allow you to quickly and effectively get rid of the problem.
If you suffer from the manifestations of thorns and do not know how to remove them, you should pay attention to the reviews of such funds:
- Cauterizing solution, which contains in its composition two main active substances - meta-cresol and phenol. These components have a toxic property that allows you to irrevocably destroy the cells of the spike. It should be noted that the drug can affect the human nervous system. Therefore, the drug should be used only according to the instructions.
- A popular remedy for thorns, which has an affordable cost and good effectiveness. In its composition it contains refrigerants, which allow the substance to be used to treat people of practically all ages.
- A particularly handy medical pen that can get rid of thorns in no time. The peculiarity of the product is that it contains silver nitrate. He has a bactericidal effect on the affected tissues.
- A budget tool with an aggressive and fiery trait. Sold in pharmacies in the form of a concentrated solution. When removing the spike, you must be careful not to accidentally apply the product to healthy tissue. If the liquid does get on the skin, it should be rinsed off thoroughly with water and treated with citric or acetic acid (5%).
- A universal remedy containing birch tar, which has anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties. However, it should be remembered that in the treatment of thorns it is absolutely impossible to combine this medicine with other medicines.
- A special patch that is treated with salicylic acid. It softens the spines and helps remove them freely. This patch cannot be used if a child or pregnant woman has warts.
A thorn on the soles of the feet is a tissue disease that can cause significant pain and discomfort to a person in the future. Self-medication with medications without prior consultation with a doctor is not recommended.
Treatments with folk methods
In some cases, it is quite possible to remove the spikelet at home. However, one important factor should be taken into account - the disease should not be neglected. Alternative treatment methods can only help if you stick to the regularity and use the remedy correctly.
If for some reason you cannot seek qualified help, there are several proven methods that will help you get rid of a hated problem.
horseradish |
The main value of horseradish in treating spikes is juice. For therapy, you need to grate horseradish on a fine grater and apply to warts. Legs before the procedure must first be steamed. The sore spot needs to be wrapped with polyethylene, and then put on socks for the night. Continue the procedure until the disease completely disappears. |
onion and vinegar |
Another effective tool that can help you get rid of the problem in 3 ways. The onion should be rubbed to a pulp and diluted with a little vinegar. A thick patch is glued to the spike and a small hole is made in it, the finished product is placed inside and sealed with another patch on top. Perhaps a person feels discomfort and a slight burning sensation, but the remedy must be left until morning. |
nettle |
Completely painless, but unfortunately a seasonal method. You need to take the leaves of young nettles and grind them into a pulp. The resulting mixture should be applied to the tip and wrap the leg with a clean leaf of burdock. Socks should be worn on the legs to keep this design in place. In the morning, the skin condition improves significantly, and the wart is removed along with the dead layer of the epidermis. |
Potato |
Raw potatoes must be grated on a fine grater, but the juice is not squeezed out. The mixture should be applied to a cotton pad and applied to the wart. For fixation, you can use a sterile bandage. The procedure should be repeated 2 times a day each time. The only disadvantage of treating potato spines is the long duration of therapy, which lasts at least 2 weeks. |
sulfur |
Pretty painful, but effective method of the disease. Sulfur for treating spikes can be taken from ordinary matches. It should be cleaned from the heads. In the wart you need to make a small indentation, which can be done with nail scissors or a needle (sterile), and then pour sulfur into it and set it on fire. This procedure must be performed with extreme caution. The peak disappears after the first operation. |
Another incredible but hugely popular way to sizzle is with raw meat. You should buy fresh meat that has never been refrigerated. A small piece should be applied to the warts and left for a while. In the future, the meat must be buried in the ground. Once the flesh is completely rotten, the spikes will disappear.
There are reviews of treating warts at home, in some cases people use extremely extraordinary folk methods, which also help with the disease. Here are some of them:
- Cement - helps to destroy warts in 2-3 sessions.
- nail polish - helps prevent oxygenation of the wart, due to which it dies off in a short time;
- Cake on vinegar - it is necessary to knead a stiff dough on vinegar and apply a raw cake on the affected leg at night.
In order for the spike to pass the leg as quickly as possible, the following rules should be observed:
- Monitor foot hygiene, prevent the appearance of fungus and other viruses;
- increase the protective functions of immunity - organize a good diet containing a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals;
- In order to avoid injuries to the legs when walking, it is better to wear soft socks and soft shoes during treatment.
If you cannot manage the spike on your own, you should contact your dermatologist immediately. He will examine you and prescribe the necessary treatment.