Papillomas are benign growths on our skin. As a rule, they have the appearance of a wart on a thin stalk and are expanded at the top, resemble cauliflower in appearance, are hard and brown or pink in color. The cause of their appearance is a virus, and the papilloma itself can reach a diameter of up to 1 cm.
Where does innovation come from?
Papillomas spread to different parts of the skin: on the eyelid, in the mouth, on the lips, chest, armpits and intimate places. The most problematic is their removal on the genitals, since there they appear mainly in the form of a cluster.

This virus can be transmitted in the following cases:
- You can get infected in public places (bathrooms, saunas).
- neoplasm is transmitted from mother to child;
- Formations appear with weakened immunity;
- during the birth of a child;
- under severe stress;
- sexually.
How to get rid of papillomas?
There are several methods of removing papillomas.
For example, surgical, but they resort to its use when the formation begins to exceed 1 cm in diameter, and also when there is a suspicion of oncology. Most often, a gentler method of removal is used: cauterization with liquid nitrogen. Destruction with cold is a painless operation and looks like this: the cut papilloma is filled with liquid nitrogen, there is a reaction with air, which subsequently turns into crystals that destroy the papilloma itself.
And now we will talk about the most effective method of treating this virus - laser removal. Before the procedure, doctors do tests to rule out the risk of cancer, and if there are none, proceed with the procedure itself.
A laser is aimed at the formation and held for a little less than a minute. The jet draws water from diseased cells, turning them into a crust. Within half an hour, the skin in that area will turn red, and this reaction will subside in a few days.
Is it necessary to remove papilloma?
The distance is not mandatory. But it should be borne in mind that there are many types of such formations and you yourself cannot determine which one you have, which can lead to unpleasant consequences.
For example, with a certain type of virus, a disease can develop into an oncological disease in 3-5 years, while rapidly spreading throughout the body. So it's better to protect yourself and get rid of education once and for all. Do not even think about removing the papilloma yourself and at home, as this can lead to major complications.
Who is entitled to removal?
Indications for the use of the above methods is the appearance of papillomas on human skin. They are mainly removed only when they have lost their original appearance, for example, you have injured them, or they have become infected, or there are cancer cells in them.
As mentioned above, the main method of treatment is to get rid of them, but in order for them to stop bothering you with their appearance, you need to undergo prevention, which can include taking immunostimulating, antiviral and cytotoxic drugs.
Features of the procedure
Laser removal treatment affects the skin differently depending on the size of the lesion. It is also worth noting that this procedure solves the problem of reappearance.
Despite all the advantages of this method, it also has its disadvantages. For example, if the formation was large, then after the procedure a scar may remain in its place. This is because tissue regeneration is slowed down.
It is very important to take proper care of the skin after the operation, as improper or lack of skin care can lead to inflammation and suppuration.
How is laser papilloma removal performed?
In any case, before starting the procedure, you must undergo an examination and consult a doctor. This is necessary in order to find out whether there are any blood diseases or intolerance to such operations. Local anesthesia is used during the procedure.
The laser removal procedure is painless and completely safe when performed in a specialized clinic. The success of the operation depends not only on the equipment, but also directly on the experience of the doctor performing the removal.
The depth of the rays is chosen individually for each patient, depending on the thickness of the skin. The beam is divided into many small beams aimed at the papilloma itself to burn out the affected cells without harming your health. The laser clogs the blood vessels and blocks bleeding. This will ensure that there is no bruising after removal. At the end of the procedure, the wound is treated with an antiseptic and a bandage or plaster is applied.
Such an operation as laser removal will help you get rid of formations forever.
What are the contraindications for this procedure:
- During pregnancy, this method cannot be used, since due to the active activity of the hormones of the expectant mother, a colloidal scar may remain on the body;
- For people with cancer, laser removal is also categorically contraindicated;
- The fair sex is not recommended to do the procedure before the age of 18 and after the age of 45.
In addition, a contraindication is:
- The time of breastfeeding a child;
- High blood pressure before the procedure;
- Acute, chronic skin diseases;
- herpes on the skin;
- fever and cold;
- diabetes mellitus;
- time after the sun.
Postoperative care
A very important factor is proper care after the procedure, because if you take care of it incorrectly or not at all, the place where the papilloma was can become inflamed or fester.
So, the basic rules of care after the procedure:
- You can not wet the place where the papilloma was for three days, and on the first day it is better not to wash at all to avoid water penetration.
- It is not recommended to remove the crust;
- Do not smear with various creams and ointments;
- Don't sunbathe;
- Do not bathe in a bath or sauna;
- Don't swim in the pool;
- Do not apply cosmetics if the papilloma was on the face;
- It is allowed to smear with "Karganate" or "Fukortsin" once a day;
- In order not to contaminate the wound, you can put a gauze bandage and close it with tape. Within two to three days, the scab will go away on its own, and healthy skin will be in its place.
If you follow these simple rules of care, your skin will not suffer and you will be satisfied with the result.
Many people's reviews of laser removal are very positive, since during the operation there is no bleeding and blisters on the body, the operation itself is very quick and painless, there are no scars and small (if the formation was no more than 1 cm) formationsare removed in one session.
If you have not yet decided how to get rid of papillomas, we recommend laser removal. You will be satisfied with the process itself and its consequences.